Our departure date

We know our moving date

This is it. The new owners have been able to secure their loan, and everything is aligned for the great date!

We will sign the final contract on September 11th and hand the keys to the new owners. A page is turning, we’re turning over a new leaf, we move forward, we open a new chapter, we turn a corner… Well, you get the drift.

Knowing the date of handing over the house makes every appear more real. Because now, the countdown is starting. By September 11th, the house needs to be empty, clean, and ready for new occupants.

This leaves us, what? 3 weeks to get everything done. Easy peasy! We just need to:

  • Get rid of the unnecessary stuff
  • Pack up the furniture
  • Clean out the rubbish
  • Pack the things we want to keep
  • Sell the furniture we don’t want to keep
  • Sell the clutter we don’t want to keep
  • Get the last touches done on the house
  • Find a new place
  • Find a boat
  • Get homeschooling set up
  • Get the cat ready

Easy. We’ve got plenty of time. We can start tomorrow!

Feature image, courtesy Pixabay user Alexas_Fotos

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